Aswata offers you flexibility to choose insurance coverage for your car. You are free to choose any basic coverage and any additional coverage based on your need.

basic coverage:

  1. Only for personal/office use and not for commercial
  2. Maximum age of the car is 10 years for comprehensive coverage and maximum 15 years for Total Loss Only coverage

basic coverage selections:

  1. Comprehensive coverage: Protect against loss and any damage that caused by: collision, slip, theft, fire, or any other caused which covered by PSAKBI
  2. Total Loss Only coverage: Protect against the risk of loss or damage which the repairement cost exceeds 75% of total sum insured

additional coverage selections*:

  1. Coverage against the risks of strikes, riots, and civil commotions (SRCC).
  2. Coverage against the risk of flood.
  3. Coverage against the risk of earthquake
  4. Third party legal liability
  5. Personal accident for the car driver and passangers

*with additional premium

special offer for bca credit card holders

For BCA Credit card holders, enjoy 3 or 6 months premium payment installment facility with 0% interest if you buy our car insurance product and arrange the premium payment DIRECT in our marketing office in: Bandarlampung, Bandung, Bekasi, Bogor, Cirebon, Denpasar, Jakarta Kayu Putih, Jakarta Pondok Indah, Jakarta Puri Kembangan, Jakarta Rasuna Said, Jakarta Senen, Jakarta Tanah Abang, Jambi, Jember, Makasar, Manado, Medan, Palembang, Semarang, Surabaya Tunjungan, Surakarta, Tangerang, Tasikmalaya and Yogyakarta.


Please contact our nearest office for other Motor Vehicle Insurance coverage/products.




  • Insurance value is the Insurance Value of vehicle and will become the limit of claim compensation right.
  • Basic Insurance-Vehicle Physical
  • In accordance with the vehicle value/market price when it is insured.
  • In accordance with value/equipment price/additional accessories which is intended to be insured.

If the Insurance Value of your physical vehicle is below the market price, then you will be in an “underinsured” condition, which may cause the decrease to your claim compensation right proportionally. However, if the insurance value is over the vehicle Market Price, then you will be in an “overinsured” condition, which may not increase your compensation right (claim).



Determine the insurance value in accordance with your needs and wants.



Premium amount that will be applied to you is multiplication result of:

  • Premium rate of Vehicle Insurance will be in a scale which is determined by type of vehicle and the insurance coverage preferred.



  • Owner
  • Creditor (such as Bank, Leasing Company)
  • Other party who has a right/power on an asset based on a contract or regulation (such as: lessee, owner’s attorney).



  • Currently there are 70 branches of Asuransi Wahana Tata, which locations are spread in many big cities, which enable us to reach and serve you faster in covering Insurance up to handling claims.
  • Website facility, which eases you in requesting offers for your insurance plan with no limitation of time and place.
  • Premium payment facility by credit card and Virtual Account.
  • Associated workshops network, which have been widely spread, with quality controlled.


For further information please contact our nearest branch/marketing office.

PT. Asuransi Wahana Tata

Head Office
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said. C-4, Jakarta 12920
Tel. (021) 5203145, 5203146
Fax. (021) 5203149, 5205222-23
e-mail :


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